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Gemas, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.. kaifa haluk ya akhi wa ukhti??? bikhoir??? ALHAMDULILLAH... AHLAN WA SAHLAN pada semua yang hadir.. moga apa yang dipapar dan ditulis memberi manfaat kepada diri ini dan anda bersama...InsyaAllah Merujuk kepada kata-kata Sheikh al-Habib Umar bin Hafiz :- "''manusia akan MATI bila-bila masa...tetapi TULISAN boleh kekal selama-lamanya...maka tulislah PERKATAAN yang menyebabkan kita GEMBIRA di akhirat kelak..."


Telekomunikasi & Rangkaian

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Web Searching

What is web browser?

1. A web browser is a software application that enables a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information typically located on a web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network.
2. Software that displays web pages
3. Software that gives a user access to the World Wide Web. Web browsers often provide a graphical interface that lets users click buttons, icons, and menu options to view and navigate Web pages..

What can you do with web browser ?

– Browse web pages if you know the URL
• e.g http://www.utm.my
• http:/elearning.utm.my

– Search the web using
• Search tools
– Search engines
– Subject Directories
– Name Directories
– Meta‐Searchers
– Specialized Search Tools and Searchable Databases
– and others

Type of Web Browser

Google Chrome
Mozila Firefox
Internet Explorer

Search Tools : Search Engine

1. Software that enables users to search the Internet using keywords.
2. A search engine is a computer program that does the following:
- allows user to submit a query that consists of a word /
-  searches the database
-  returns a list (hits) that may consist of web pages,
images, information and other types of files which match
the query
- allows user to revise and resubmit query

How search engine works?
• The search engines maintain databases of web sites
• use programs ("spiders" or "robots") to collect information,which is then indexed by the search engine.
• Similar services are provided by "directories," which
maintain ordered lists of websites, eg Yahoo!

How Search Engine Spiders Work :

Examples of search engines

Google : www.google.com 

Yahoo! Search : search.yahoo.com
Ask.com: www.ask.com

AltaVista : http://www.altavista.com/

Search Tools : Directories

– built by human selection ‐‐ not by computers or robot programs
– organized into subject categories, classification of pages by subjects not standardized and vary according to the scope of each directory
– NEVER contain full‐text of the web pages they link to ‐‐ you can only search what you can see (titles, descriptions, subject categories, etc.)
‐ use broad or general terms
– small and specialized to large, but smaller than most search engines ‐‐ huge range in size
– often carefully evaluated and annotated (but not always!!)

Example of Directories

– Name
• e.g http://www.anywho.com/

Search Tools: Meta‐Search

Search more than one search engine and/or subject directory at once and then compile the results in a sometimes convenient display, sometimes consolidating all the results into a uniform format and listing.
– E.g. :


Web Browser: Search techniques

– Use subject directories.
– Use implied and full Boolean logic, phrase searching, truncation, and field searching effectively.
• Boolean "operators" such as "AND," "OR," "AND NOT" and sometimes "NEAR." AND requires all terms appear in a record. OR retrieves records with either term. AND NOT excludes terms.
– Identify key concepts, synonyms, and variant word forms in your search topic.
– Use phrase
• More than one KEYWORD, searched exactly as keyed (all terms required to be in documents, in the order keyed). Enclosing keywords in quotations " " forms a phrase in Google , and some other search tools.
– E.g “educational technology” / educational technology will
give different results
– Use key search engines effectively including AltaVista, Google, All the Web/FAST, and HotBot
– Use meta‐search engines.
– Use specialty databases when appropriate.
• Social sciences:
– Apply search strategies and techniques in a
scavenger hunt exercise.

Managing your browser
 Bookmarking
 Clear history
 Clear cache
 Clear URL
 Save/using bookmark/favourite
 Setting default page
 Multitasking
 Downloading
 Setting download folder
 Temp files
 Plugin
 Other tools

# fotenote : SEARCH ENGINE and WEB BROWSER are the different thing!!! TAKE NOTE...


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