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Gemas, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
Assalamualaikum w.b.t.. kaifa haluk ya akhi wa ukhti??? bikhoir??? ALHAMDULILLAH... AHLAN WA SAHLAN pada semua yang hadir.. moga apa yang dipapar dan ditulis memberi manfaat kepada diri ini dan anda bersama...InsyaAllah Merujuk kepada kata-kata Sheikh al-Habib Umar bin Hafiz :- "''manusia akan MATI bila-bila masa...tetapi TULISAN boleh kekal selama-lamanya...maka tulislah PERKATAAN yang menyebabkan kita GEMBIRA di akhirat kelak..."


Telekomunikasi & Rangkaian

Tuesday, 12 June 2012

Web Searching

What is web browser?

1. A web browser is a software application that enables a user to display and interact with text, images, and other information typically located on a web page at a website on the World Wide Web or a local area network.
2. Software that displays web pages
3. Software that gives a user access to the World Wide Web. Web browsers often provide a graphical interface that lets users click buttons, icons, and menu options to view and navigate Web pages..

What can you do with web browser ?

– Browse web pages if you know the URL
• e.g http://www.utm.my
• http:/elearning.utm.my

– Search the web using
• Search tools
– Search engines
– Subject Directories
– Name Directories
– Meta‐Searchers
– Specialized Search Tools and Searchable Databases
– and others

Type of Web Browser

Google Chrome
Mozila Firefox
Internet Explorer

Search Tools : Search Engine

1. Software that enables users to search the Internet using keywords.
2. A search engine is a computer program that does the following:
- allows user to submit a query that consists of a word /
-  searches the database
-  returns a list (hits) that may consist of web pages,
images, information and other types of files which match
the query
- allows user to revise and resubmit query

How search engine works?
• The search engines maintain databases of web sites
• use programs ("spiders" or "robots") to collect information,which is then indexed by the search engine.
• Similar services are provided by "directories," which
maintain ordered lists of websites, eg Yahoo!

How Search Engine Spiders Work :

Examples of search engines

Google : www.google.com 

Yahoo! Search : search.yahoo.com
Ask.com: www.ask.com

AltaVista : http://www.altavista.com/

Search Tools : Directories

– built by human selection ‐‐ not by computers or robot programs
– organized into subject categories, classification of pages by subjects not standardized and vary according to the scope of each directory
– NEVER contain full‐text of the web pages they link to ‐‐ you can only search what you can see (titles, descriptions, subject categories, etc.)
‐ use broad or general terms
– small and specialized to large, but smaller than most search engines ‐‐ huge range in size
– often carefully evaluated and annotated (but not always!!)

Example of Directories

– Name
• e.g http://www.anywho.com/

Search Tools: Meta‐Search

Search more than one search engine and/or subject directory at once and then compile the results in a sometimes convenient display, sometimes consolidating all the results into a uniform format and listing.
– E.g. :


Web Browser: Search techniques

– Use subject directories.
– Use implied and full Boolean logic, phrase searching, truncation, and field searching effectively.
• Boolean "operators" such as "AND," "OR," "AND NOT" and sometimes "NEAR." AND requires all terms appear in a record. OR retrieves records with either term. AND NOT excludes terms.
– Identify key concepts, synonyms, and variant word forms in your search topic.
– Use phrase
• More than one KEYWORD, searched exactly as keyed (all terms required to be in documents, in the order keyed). Enclosing keywords in quotations " " forms a phrase in Google , and some other search tools.
– E.g “educational technology” / educational technology will
give different results
– Use key search engines effectively including AltaVista, Google, All the Web/FAST, and HotBot
– Use meta‐search engines.
– Use specialty databases when appropriate.
• Social sciences:
– Apply search strategies and techniques in a
scavenger hunt exercise.

Managing your browser
 Bookmarking
 Clear history
 Clear cache
 Clear URL
 Save/using bookmark/favourite
 Setting default page
 Multitasking
 Downloading
 Setting download folder
 Temp files
 Plugin
 Other tools

# fotenote : SEARCH ENGINE and WEB BROWSER are the different thing!!! TAKE NOTE...



What is Internet ?
 A global collection of network
 The Internet is a network of networks, linking computers to computers sharing the TCP/IP protocols.

A Hierarchy of Networks
 From a single computer to LAN
 From LAN to ISP
 ISP to WWW

Malaysian ISP’s and type of services they provide

Internet Access
 dial-up,
 landline (over coaxial cable, fiber optic or copper wires),
 T- lines,
 WiFi / WiMAX
 satellite
 GPRS, EDGE. ….
 cell phones
 3G…..

Internet Infrastructure
Internet protocol
 Every machine on the Internet has a unique identifying number, called an IP Address.
 The IP stands for Internet Protocol, which is the language that computers use to communicate over the Internet.
 A protocol is the pre-defined way that someone who wants to use a service talks with that service. The "someone" could be a person, but more often it is a computer program like a Web browser., etc
 An Internet Protocol address (IP address) is a numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes
 An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.

A typical IP address looks like this:

Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol, the suite of communications protocols used to connect
hosts on the Internet. TCP/IP uses several protocols, the two main ones being TCP and IP. TCP/IP is used by the Internet, as the de factor standard for transmitting data over networks.

(Internet) Applications

 World Wide Web's Hypertext Transfer Protocol
 Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)
 File Transfer Protocol (FTP)
 Telnet (Telnet) which lets you logon to remote
 Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
 VoIP
 …….

Internet Terms

 Domain Name System (DNS)
The Internet naming scheme which consists of a hierarchical sequence of names, from the most
specific to the most general (left to right), separated bydots :
example http://elearning.utm.my/

 IP (Internet protocol)
The Internet standard protocol that provides a common layer over dissimilar networks, used to move
packets among host computers and through gateways if necessary.

 IP Address
The numeric address of a computer connected to theInternet; also called Internet address.
exampel: = 
# footnote : lets watch to HISTORY OF THE INTERNET..

Sejarah Internet



What it is wireless technology ?

􀂉 Wireless networking technologies range from global voice and data networks which allow users networks, to establish wireless connections across long distances, to infrared light and radio frequency technologies that are optimized for short‐range wireless connections.

􀂉 wireless technology is generally used for mobile IT equipment. It encompasses cellular telephones, personal digital assistants (PDA's), and wireless networking.

Type of Wireless Network

􀀹 Wireless wide area networks (WWANs)
􀀹 Wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs)
􀀹 Wireless local area networks (WLANs)
􀀹 Wireless personal area networks (WPANs)

Application of WiFi
Voice and messaging
• Cell phones, pagers.
• analog or digital standards
– The analog standard is the Advanced Mobile Phone Service (AMPS).
– Digital standards are Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), or Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA).

Hand‐held and other Internet‐enabled devices
• Internet‐enabled cell phones and Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) can connect to the Internet across a digital wireless network
• Uses Wireless Application Protocol (WAP),and WML (Wireless Markup Language)

Data Networking.

􀀹Infra Red
􀀹wireless local area networks (WLANs)
􀀹broadband wireless.

Apa itu BLUETOOTH???

Mobile phones: 1G 2G 3G 4G

• 1G
1G is short for first‐generation wireless telephone technology. This generation of phones and networks is represented by the brick‐sized analog phones introduced in the 1980’s. Subsequent numbers refer to newer and upcoming technology.

• 2G
2G phones use digital networks. Going all‐digital allowed for the introduction of digital data services, such as SMS and email. 2G networks and their digital nature also made it more difficult to eavesdrop on mobile phone calls.

• 3G
3G networks are an in between standard. 3G is seen more as pre4G instead of a standard of its own. The advantage 3G networks have over 2G networks is speed. 3G networks are built to handle the needs of today’s wireless users. This standard of wireless networks increases the speed of internet browsing, picture and video messaging, and handheld GPS use.

• 4G
4G (AKA Beyond 3G) is like the other generations in that its advantage lies in promised increased speeds in data transmission. There is currently no formal definition for 4G, but there are objectives. One of these objectives is for 4G to become a fully IP‐based system, much like modern computer networks. The supposed speeds for 4G will be between 100 Mbit/s and 1 Gbit/s.

# footnote : perbezaan kelajuan 2G dan 3G

2G vs 3G



What is a Protocol?

• A protocol is a set of rules that governs the communications between computers on a network.
• These rules include guidelines that regulate the following characteristics of a network:
– access method,
– allowed physical topologies,
– types of cabling, and
– speed of data transfer.

LAN Technology

Protocol : Ethernet

• the most widely used wired networks protocol
• Early Ethernet network were half duplex, uses an access method called CSMA/CD (Carrier Sense
Multiple Access/Collision Detection) a system where each computer listens to the cable before sending
anything through the network to avoid collisions.
• Since 1997 Ethernet uses full duplex communication,
that does not require listening to other messages and
no collisions occur.

Protocol : Local talk

• a network protocol that was developed Macintosh computers.
• used a method called CSMA/CA (Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Avoidance), where a computer signals its intent to transmit before it actually does so.
• allows for linear bus, star, or tree topologies using twisted pair cable.
• disadvantage : slow speed (only 230 Kbps).

Protocol Token Ring

• The Token Ring protocol requires a star-wired ring using twisted pair or fiber optic cable. It can operate at
transmission speeds of 4 Mbps or 16 Mbps.
• Fiber Distributed Data Interface - a network
protocol that is used primarily to interconnect
two or more local area networks, often over
large distances.

Protocol FDDI

• access method involves token-passing.
• uses a dual ring physical topology. Transmission normally occurs on one of the rings; if a break occurs, the system keeps information moving by automatically using portions of the second ring to create a new complete ring.
• A major advantage of FDDI is speed. It operates over fiber optic cable at 100 Mbps.

Types of Cabling
Unshielded Twisted Pair
(UTP) Cable
Shielded Twisted Pair

 Coaxial Cable

Fiber Optic Cable

B & C connector

Peer to Peer
• In a peer-to-peer network, all computers are considered equal; they all have the same abilities
to use the resources available on the network
• allow users to share resources and files located on their computers and to access shared resources found on other computers.
• do not have a file server or a centralized management source
• designed primarily for small to medium local area networks.
• AppleShare and Windows for Workgroups are examples of programs that can function as peer to-
peer network operating systems.

YOUTUBE berkata PEER TO PEER (P2P) adalah :

• allow the network to centralize functions and applications in one or more dedicated file servers system
• providing access to resources and providing security.
• individual workstations (clients) have access to the resources available on the file servers.
• Novell Netware and Windows 2000 Server are examples of client/server network operating systems.

YOUTUBE berkata CLIENT/SERVER adalah :

# EXTRA KNOWLEDGE --> how to install cat5 cable to RJ-45

Cara memasang kepala RJ-45


Network Equipments

Network Equipment

- Networking hardware includes all computers, peripherals, interface cards and other equipment needed to perform data-processing and communications within the network.

Type of Equipment

 File Server
 Workstation
 Network Interface Cards
 Concentrator/Hubs
 Repeater
 Bridges
 Routers
 Switch

Transmit all data received to all nod connected to the hub. Regardless to which device the data being sent to
• Lots of extra network traffic, network less efficient

Identifies the device on the network for which the data is intended and sends the data to that node only

• to boost the signal with a device called a repeater. The repeater electrically amplifies the signal it receives and rebroadcasts it.
• can be separate devices or they can be incorporated into a concentrator.
• used when the total length of your network cable exceeds the standards set for the type of cable being used

• A bridge monitors the information traffic on both sides of the network so that it can pass packets of information to the correct location The bridge manages the traffic to maintain optimum performance on both sides of the network
• It keeps information flowing on both sides of the network, but it does not allow unnecessary traffic through.
• can be used to connect different types of cabling, or physical topologies. They must be between networks with the same protocol.
• A network bridge connects multiple network segments.
• direct traffic to prevent head-on collisions, and is smart enough to know when to direct traffic along back
roads and shortcuts.

• While bridges know the addresses of all computers on each side of the network, routers know the addresses of computers, bridges, and other routers on the network. Routers can even "listen" to the entire network to determine which sections are busiest -- they can then redirect data around those sections until they clear up.

Routers can:
• Direct signal traffic efficiently
• Route messages between any two protocols
• Route messages between linear bus, star, and starwired ring topologies
• Route messages across fiber optic, coaxial, and twisted-pair cabling
• a network node equipped for interfacing with
another network that uses different protocols

– A protocol translation/mapping gateway interconnects networks with different network protocol technologies by performing the required protocol conversions.

# Conclusion, different of HUB, SWITCHES & ROUTERS




Physical topology :
The physical layout of devices on a network.
or the way that the devices on a network are
arranged and how they communicate with each other
Logical topology :
the mapping of the flow of data between the
nodes in the network determines the logical
topology of the network





# mari lihat VIDEO ini untuk membantu ingat semua TOPOLOGY..


Computer Network

Computer Network
• A collection of computers and other hardware devices that are connected together to share hardware, software, and data as well as to communicate with one another

Network Classification

• LAN – Local Area Network
• WAN - Wide Area Network
• MAN - Metropolitan Area Network
• W….......

Bounded/guided (WIRED)
-Twisted pair
-Fibre optics

Unbounded/Unguided (air/vacuum) (WIRELESS)
-Satellite communication
-Microwave radio
-Infrared signals



• Network software is the information, data or programming used to make it possible for computers to communicate or connect to one another.
• Network software is used to efficiently share information among computers

– At the nodes : involve techniques and protocols to
determine rules and procedure to transmit ,
terminate, translate and to present data and also to
control errors.
– to ensure data reach the destinations

Software for the server Software for client
A network (=server) operating system (NOS)
– a piece of software that controls a network
and its message traffic and queues, controls access by multiple users to network resources such as files, and provides for certain administrative functions, including security.
– Installed on the server client software
– Installed on the PC/cmputers to access the network and to issue requests to the network

• Architecture: blueprint of standards for a network consisting of items such as choice of media, media interfaces, encoding methods, transmission protocols, routing protocols, etc.
• Needed to ensure interoperability between various devices and equipment made by different vendors.

Uses of Computer Networks

- Sharing a printer or an Internet connections among several users
- Sharing application software with network license, which is cheaper, installed and updated on one computer only
- Working collaboratively
- sharing database
- Exchanging files

Networks devices : Local Area

• NIC (Network Interface Card)
• Media (Network cable)
• Hub/Repeaters
• Server
• Workstations
• NOS (Network operating
• NCS (Network Client Software)


Data Transmission

Data Transmission

• Data travel over a network in various characteristics: form, amount of data : type, direction and timing :
– Analog vs digital
– Bandwidth
– Serials Vs Parallel
– Transmission timing
– Transmission directions
– Circuit switched, Packet‐Switched, and Broadcast Connections

Analog Vs Digital

- Analog transmission uses signals that are exact replicas of a sound wave or image.
- Signals of varying frequency or amplitude are added to carrier waves with a given frequency of              electromagnetic current to produce a continuous electric wave. E.g standard phones, fax
machines, and modems.

Digital transmission the signals are converted into a binary code, whichconsists of two elements.
Digital format is ideal for electronic communication as the string of 1s and 0s can be transmitted by a
series of "on/off" signals represented by pulses of electricity or light.

• = The amount of data that can be transmitted in a fixed amount of time.
• For digital devices, the bandwidth is usually measured in bits per second(bps), Megabits
persecond (Mbps) etc
• Medium with higher bandwidth deliver data faster

Serial vs Parallel Transmission

Serial transmission : data sent one bit at a time, one after another a long a single path

Parallel transmission : data is sent at least one byte at a time, each bit in the byte taking separate path

Serial vs Parallel Transmission

• Serial transmission : used for short communication. e.g between computer to printer
• Parallel transmission used within computer component e.g buses

Transmission Timing

• Synchronous transmission – Data organised into blocks or groups and
transferred at regular specified interval

• Asynchronous transmission  –  the process where transmitted data is encoded with start and stop bits, specifying the beginning and end of each character.Data sent without being synchronised

Isochronous transmission – data is sent at the same time as other related data to support certain types of real time applications e.g streaming voice, video and music.

Directions of Data Transmission
• Simplex
• Duplex
– Half Duplex
– Full Duplex

• One way communications
• Data travels in single direction only i.e door bell
• Relatively uncommon in computer communications

Half Duplex
• Data can travel in either direction but
only in one direction at a time.
• USB devices are half duplex

Full Duplex
• Data can moves in both directions at he
same time, such as with a telephones.
• Ideal for hardware devices that need to
pass large amount of data between
each other.
• Many networks and most internet
connections are full duplex

Circuit switched, Packet‐Switched,
and Broadcast Connections

• Circuit switched
– Data used dedicated path from sender to receiver

• Data sent as individual packets, which are
assembled at the recipient’s destination

Broadcast Connections
• Data broadcast to all nodes within range

Data Compression

• Data compression encoding information using fewer bits than the original representation.
• Compression is used just about everywhere. All the images you get on the web are compressed, typically in the JPEG or GIF formats, most modems use compression, HDTV will be compressed using MPEG‐2, and several file systems automatically compress files whenstored, and the rest of us do it by hand
• Data compression is particularly useful in communications because it enables devices to transmit or store the same amount of data in
fewer bits.
• In addition, there are file compression formats, such as ARC and ZIP.

# lets watch video about DATA TRANSMISSION


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